Denise O'Leary

Denise O'Leary

Denise O'Leary

Director Since: 2013
Committees: Compensation; Finance

Select Business Experience:
Private venture capital investor (1997-Present)
Partner (1987-1996) and associate (1983-1987) at Menlo Ventures, a venture
capital firm

Current Public Company Directorships
Medtronic plc, a medical technology company (2000-Present)

Past Public Company Directorships
Calpine Corporation (2009-2018)
US Airways Group, Inc. (2005-2013)
Chiron Corporation (2002-2006)
America West Holdings Corporation (1998-2005)

Other Leadership Experience and Service:
Chair of the board of trustees of the University of Denver; member of the Board of
Regents of the Smithsonian Institution; and former member of the boards of directors of the following private entities: Galvanize, Inc., the Bonfils-Stanton Foundation, Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital, Stanford Hospital & Clinics, Smithsonian National Board, the Denver Foundation, the Corporation for Supportive Housing, Connect for Health Colorado and the University of Colorado Hospital Authority.

Key Experience/Director Qualifications:
Executive leadership experience in the investment industry, financial expertise, experience in the oversight of risk management, human resources expertise, extensive service as a global public company director, success as an investor and airline industry expertise.