Adriane Brown

Adriane Brown

Adriane Brown

Director Since: 2021
Committees: Audit; Safety

Select Business Experience:
Managing Partner of Flying Fish Management, LLC, a private asset management firm (2018-Present)
President and COO of Intellectual Ventures Management, LLC, a private equity firm (2010-2017)
Various roles, including President and CEO of Honeywell Transportation Systems, at Honeywell International Inc., a manufacturing company (1999-2010)
Various roles, most recently Vice President and General Manager of Environmental Products, at Corning Incorporated, a materials manufacturing company (1980-1999)

Current Public Company Directorships
KKR & Co. (2021-Present)
Axon Enterprise, Inc., a law-enforcement technology company (2020-Present)
eBay Inc., an e-commerce marketplace company (2017-Present)

Past Public Company Directorships
Allergan Inc. (2017-2020)
Raytheon Technologies Corporation (2018-2020)
Harman International (2013-2017)

Other Leadership Experience and Service:
Worked at Honeywell International, Inc. and Corning Incorporated in positions of increasing responsibility. Member of the board of directors of the Washington Research Foundation/ WRF Capital.

Key Experience/Director Qualifications:
Financial expertise, risk management experience, extensive experience as a senior operating executive for segments of large global public companies, including industrial and manufacturing companies, investment experience in technologies and service as a public company director.