Kontoor Brands
2021 Annual Meeting

Request Paper Materials

You may request paper copies of the proxy materials by phone, email or online.
To request by phone dial 866-648-8133.

Vote Now

Your vote is Important! Please vote your proxy online now or by phone by dialing 866-390-5386.

Meeting Details


Tuesday, April 20, 2021


11:00 AM Eastern Time

Virtual Meeting:

To Register for the Meeting

Deadline to Register*
Friday, April 16, 2021
5:00 PM Eastern Time

*Note: You must register by the deadline to be eligible to participate in the meeting.

About Us

Kontoor Brands, Inc. is a global lifestyle apparel company, with a portfolio led by two of the world’s most iconic consumer brands: Wrangler® and Lee®. Kontoor designs, manufactures and distributes superior high-quality products that look good and fit right, giving people around the world the freedom and confidence to express themselves. Kontoor Brands is a purpose-led organization focused on leveraging its global platform, strategic sourcing model and best-in-class supply chain to drive brand growth and deliver long-term value for its stakeholders.