
SLB Board Committees

  • New Energy and Innovation, Chair
  • Compensation
  • Nominating and Governance

Other Experience and Education

  • Former CEO of multiple E&P companies
  • Master’s Degrees in Petroleum Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, and Petroleum Economics and Management, IFP School
  • Corporate director certificate from Harvard Business School (2021)

Former Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer,  Wintershall Dea GmbH 

Director since 2020

Age: 58

Other Current Public Boards

  • Alfa Laval AB
  • Scatec Solar ASA

Former Public Directorships Held During the Past Five Years

  • Yara International ASA
Maria Moræus Hanssen

MARIA MORÆUS HANSSEN is the former Deputy CEO and Chief Operating Officer of Wintershall Dea GmbH, a German-based oil and gas producer, having served in that role from May 2019 to December 2019 following the merger between DEA Deutsche Erdoel AG (DEA) and Wintershall Holding GmbH. Prior to that, she served as CEO of DEA and chair of its management board from January 2018 until April 2019. Before joining DEA, she served as CEO of ENGIE E&P International SA and Head of the E&P Business Unit for the ENGIE Group in Paris from 2015 to 2017. Ms. Moræus Hanssen served in various management and operations roles at Aker from 2008 to 2013, Statoil (now Equinor) from 2007 to 2008, and Norsk Hydro from 1992 to 2007. She has served on the boards of Scandinavian public companies Alfa Laval AB since April 2019 and Scatec Solar ASA since April 2020, and also serves in director and chair roles on various private company and non-profit boards. She previously served as deputy chairman and audit committee chair of Yara International from 2015 to May 2019.

Relevant Skills and Expertise
Ms. Moræus Hanssen brings to the Board leadership and operational expertise as the former CEO of several European E&P companies. The Board values her insight into the domestic and international energy policies of Norway, Germany, France and other countries that are strategically important to SLB, as well as her experience addressing risks related to the energy transition.