
SLB Board Committees

  • Audit, Chair
  • Finance

Other Experience and Education

  • Experienced director of several French-based public companies
  • Diplôme d’Ingénieur, an engineering degree, École Centrale de Paris

Former Chief Financial Officer, Total S.A.

Director since 2019

Age: 65

Other Current Public Boards

  • Michelin (Compagnie Générale des Établissements Michelin SCA)

Former Public Directorships Held During the Past Five Years

  • None
Patrick de La Chevardière

PATRICK DE LA CHEVARDIÈRE is the former Chief Financial Officer of Total S.A., a French multinational integrated oil and gas company. He served as Total’s CFO and as a member of its executive committee from 2008 until his retirement in August 2019. Prior to that, he served in a variety of finance and operational roles with Total over his 37-year career, including as Deputy Chief Financial Officer from 2003 to 2008, Vice President, Asia for Refining & Marketing from 2000 to 2003, and Vice President, Operations and Subsidiaries from 1995 to 2000. Since June 2020, Mr. de La Chevardière has also served as a member and chairman of the audit committee of the supervisory board of Michelin, a French multinational tire manufacturer. He also previously served on the boards of directors of two other French-based public companies, Sanofi-Aventis and Compagnie Générale de Géophysique.

Relevant Skills and Expertise
Mr. de La Chevardière brings to the Board financial and industry experience as a former CFO of a large multinational oil and gas company. The Board benefits from his customer-focused perspective on the oilfield services industry, and from his experience across the entire oil and gas value chain, from exploration, operations, production, trading and marketing to refining and new energies.