NLY 2023 Annual Report

PEOPLE FIRST OUR GREATEST ASSET IS OUR EMPLOYEES – HIGHLY SKILLED INDIVIDUALS WITH COMPLEMENTARY SETS OF PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE ACROSS SECTORS, CREDIT CYCLES AND FUNCTIONS – WHO COME TO WORK EVERY DAY COMMITTED TO THE LONGTERM SUCCESS AND GROWTH OF OUR COMPANY Note: Board composition and Operating Committee statistics as of April 2024. Employee composition statistics as of December 31, 2023. Diversity in Leadership Employee Gender and Racial / Ethnic Diversity of employees identify as women of Directors identify as women or racially / ethnically diverse 7 out of 12 of employees identify as racially / ethnically diverse of Board Committee Chairs identify as women or racially / ethnically diverse 4 out of 5 of Executive Officers identify as women 1 out of 4 of Operating Committee members identify as women or racially / ethnically diverse 7 out of 13 58% 35% 80% 39% 25% 54% Our People The deep and varied expertise of our talented professionals enhances our ability to drive value for our shareholders 6 ANNALY CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, INC. of new hires in 2023 identify as women or racially / ethnically diverse 80% of managers identify as women or racially / ethnically diverse 55%