NLY 2023 Annual Report

Condition. All references made to share or per share amounts in the accompanying consolidated financial statements and applicable disclosures have been retroactively adjusted to reflect the effects of the Reverse Stock Split. 3. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The Company’s significant accounting policies are described below or are included elsewhere in these notes to the consolidated financial statements. Principles of Consolidation – The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the entities where the Company has a controlling financial interest. In order to determine whether the Company has a controlling financial interest, it first evaluates whether an entity is a voting interest entity (“VOE”) or a variable interest entity (“VIE”). All intercompany balances and transactions have been eliminated in consolidation. Voting Interest Entities – A VOE is an entity that has sufficient equity and in which equity investors have a controlling financial interest. The Company consolidates VOEs where it has a majority of the voting equity of such VOE. Variable Interest Entities – A VIE is defined as an entity in which equity investors (i) do not have the characteristics of a controlling financial interest, and/or (ii) do not have sufficient equity at risk for the entity to finance its activities without additional subordinated financial support from other parties. A VIE is required to be consolidated by its primary beneficiary, which is defined as the party that has both (i) the power to control the activities that most significantly impact the VIE’s economic performance and (ii) the obligation to absorb losses or the right to receive benefits from the VIE that could potentially be significant to the VIE. The Company performs ongoing reassessments of whether changes in the facts and circumstances regarding the Company’s involvement with a VIE causes the Company’s consolidation conclusion to change. Refer to the “Variable Interest Entities” Note for further information. Equity Method Investments - For entities that are not consolidated, but where the Company has significant influence over the operating or financial decisions of the entity, the Company accounts for the investment under the equity method of accounting. In accordance with the equity method of accounting, the Company will recognize its share of earnings or losses of the investee in the period in which they are reported by the investee. The Company also considers whether there are any indicators of otherthan-temporary impairment of joint ventures accounted for under the equity method. These investments are included in Other assets with income or loss included in Other, net. Cash and Cash Equivalents – Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand, cash held in money market funds on an overnight basis and cash pledged as collateral with counterparties. Cash deposited with clearing organizations is carried at cost, which approximates fair value. Cash and securities deposited with clearing organizations and collateral held in the form of cash on margin with counterparties to the Company’s interest rate swaps and other derivatives totaled $1.1 billion and $1.4 billion at December 31, 2023 and December 31, 2022, respectively. Fair Value Measurements and the Fair Value Option – The Company reports various investments at fair value, including certain eligible financial instruments elected to be accounted for under the fair value option (“FVO”). The Company chooses to elect the FVO in order to simplify the accounting treatment for certain financial instruments. Items for which the FVO has been elected are presented at fair value in the Consolidated Statements of Financial Condition and any change in fair value is recorded in Net gains (losses) on investments and other in the Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income (Loss). For additional information regarding financial instruments for which the Company has elected the FVO refer to the table in the “Financial Instruments” Note. Refer to the “Fair Value Measurements” Note for a complete discussion on the methodology utilized by the Company to estimate the fair value of certain financial instruments. Offsetting Assets and Liabilities - The Company elected to present all derivative instruments on a gross basis as discussed in the “Derivative Instruments” Note. Reverse repurchase and repurchase agreements are presented net in the Consolidated Statements of Financial Condition if they meet the offsetting criteria. Refer to the “Secured Financing” Note for further discussion on reverse repurchase and repurchase agreements. Derivative Instruments – Derivatives are recognized as either assets or liabilities at fair value in the Consolidated Statements of Financial Condition with changes in fair value recognized in the Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income (Loss). The changes in the estimated fair value are presented within Net gains (losses) on derivatives. None of the Company’s derivative transactions have been designated as hedging instruments for accounting purposes. Refer to the “Derivative Instruments” Note for further discussion. Stock-Based Compensation – The Company measures compensation expense for stock-based awards at fair value, which is generally based on the grant-date fair value of the Company’s common stock. Compensation expense is recognized ratably over ANNALY CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES Financial Statements F-8