Regulatory Accounting FirstEnergy’s Regulated Distribution and Regulated Transmission segments are subject to regulation that sets the prices (rates) the Utilities and the Transmission Companies are permitted to charge customers based on costs that the regulatory agencies determine are permitted to be recovered. At times, regulatory agencies permit the future recovery of costs that would be currently charged to expense by an unregulated company. The ratemaking process results in the recording of regulatory assets and liabilities based on anticipated future cash inflows and outflows. FirstEnergy reviews the probability of recovery of regulatory assets, and settlement of regulatory liabilities, at each balance sheet date and whenever new events occur. Factors that may affect probability include changes in the regulatory environment, issuance of a regulatory commission order, or passage of new legislation. Upon material changes to these factors, where applicable, FirstEnergy will record new regulatory assets or liabilities and will assess whether it is probable that currently recorded regulatory assets and liabilities will be recovered or settled in future rates. If recovery of a regulatory asset is no longer probable, FirstEnergy will write-off that regulatory asset as a charge against earnings. FirstEnergy considers the entire regulatory asset balance as the unit of account for the purposes of balance sheet classification rather than the next years recovery and as such net regulatory assets and liabilities are presented in the non-current section on the FirstEnergy Consolidated Balance Sheets. See Note 12, "Regulatory Matters," of the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements for additional information. Pension and OPEB Accounting FirstEnergy provides noncontributory qualified defined benefit pension plans that cover substantially all of its employees and non-qualified pension plans that cover certain employees. FirstEnergy provides a minimum amount of noncontributory life insurance to retired employees in addition to optional contributory insurance. Health care benefits, which include certain employee contributions, deductibles and co-payments, are also available upon retirement to certain employees, their dependents and, under certain circumstances, their survivors. FirstEnergy also has obligations to former or inactive employees after employment, but before retirement, for disability-related benefits. FirstEnergy pension and OPEB obligations are based on various assumptions in calculating these amounts. These assumptions include discount rates, health care cost trend rates, expected return on plan assets, compensation increases, retirement rates, mortality rates, among others. Actual results that differ from the assumptions and changes in assumptions affect future expenses and obligations. Discount Rate - In selecting an assumed discount rate, FirstEnergy considers currently available rates of return on high-quality fixed income investments expected to be available during the period to maturity of the pension and OPEB obligations. FirstEnergy utilizes a full yield curve approach in the estimation of the service and interest components of net periodic benefit costs for pension and other postretirement benefits by applying specific spot rates along the full yield curve to the relevant projected cash flows. Expected Return on Plan Assets - The expected return on pension and OPEB assets is based on input from investment consultants, including the trusts’ asset allocation targets, the historical performance of risk-based and fixed income securities and other factors. The gains or losses generated as a result of the difference between expected and actual returns on plan assets is recognized as a pension and OPEB mark-to-market adjustment in the fourth quarter of each fiscal year and whenever a plan is determined to qualify for remeasurement. The expected return on pension and OPEB assets for 2023 is 8.0% and 7.0%, respectively. . Mortality Rates - The mortality assumption is composed of a base table that represents the current expectation of life expectancy of the population adjusted by an improvement scale that attempts to anticipate future improvements in life expectancy. The Pri-2012 mortality table with projection scale MP-2021, actuarially adjusted to reflect increased mortality due to the ongoing impact of COVID-19 was utilized to determine the 2023 benefit cost and obligation as of December 31, 2022, for FirstEnergy's pension and OPEB plans. The MP-2021 scale was published in 2021 by the Society of Actuaries. Health Care Trend Rates - Included in determining trend rate assumptions are the specific provisions of FirstEnergy’s health care plans, the demographics and utilization rates of plan participants, actual cost increases experienced in FirstEnergy’s health care plans, and projections of future medical trend rates. Net Periodic Benefit Costs (Credits) - In addition to service costs, interest on obligations, expected return on plan assets, and prior service costs, FirstEnergy recognizes in net periodic benefit costs a pension and OPEB mark-to-market adjustment for the change in the fair value of plan assets and net actuarial gains and losses annually in the fourth quarter of each fiscal year and whenever a plan is determined to qualify for a remeasurement. 68