CVNA 2019 Proxy Statement
- 26 - BASE SALARY The base salaries for the named executive officers are reviewed annually by the Compensation and Nominating Committee. Individual salaries are determined based upon a combination of factors, including the scope of responsibilities, individual performance and experience, our company’s performance, an individual's potential for making contributions to future company performance, and competitive pay practices. The committee considers all these factors in determining base salary increases and does not assign a specific weighting to any individual factor. In February 2018, the Compensation and Nominating Committee reviewed the base salaries of our executive officers, including our named executive officers, taking into consideration the factors described above. Following this review, the committee determined to maintain the base salary of our CEO at its 2017 level and to increase the base salaries of the other four named executive officers to maintain the competitiveness of this compensation element. All of the NEOs’ 2018 base salaries were approximately at or below the market median as determined by the compensation consultant. Ernest Garcia III, our chief executive officer, had a base salary of $400,000 for both 2017 and 2018, with no increase. Mark Jenkins, our chief financial officer, had a 2017 base salary of $350,000 and a 2018 base salary of $375,000, an increase of 7.1%. Benjamin Huston, our chief operating officer, had a 2017 base salary of $350,000 and a 2018 base salary of $375,000, an increase of 7.1%. Ryan Keeton, our chief brand officer, had a 2017 base salary of $315,000 and a 2018 base salary of $330,000, an increase of 4.8%. Daniel Gill, our chief product officer, had a 2017 base salary of $315,000 and a 2018 base salary of $330,000, an increase of 4.8%. 2018 ANNUAL INCENTIVE PLAN Our annual incentive plan was designed to align our executive officers’ incentives with our company goals and, therefore, to be aligned with the interests of our shareholders. The Compensation and Nominating Committee approves which executives are eligible to participate (other than the CEO) and the level of potential awards, identifies appropriate performance measures, and determines the financial targets of each measure. The CEO makes recommendations as to these matters, but the Compensation and Nominating Committee makes all decisions with respect to the implementation of the annual incentive plan. For the CEO’s annual incentive plan, the Compensation and Nominating Committee makes a recommendation, with the Board making the final decision. In establishing performance goals, the committee and the Board as a whole review industry and market conditions, alignment of the goals with our strategy, projected general economic conditions, and both our past and forecasted performance levels. Target Bonuses and Payout Ranges For the 2018 annual incentive plan, the committee established a target bonus at 66.7% of base salary for each of the NEOs, with a payout range of 0%–133% of base salary. Utilizing the same bonus target for all the NEOs promotes a culture of teamwork among the senior executives and encourages their
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