CVNA 2019 Proxy Statement
- 2 - 4. to recommend, by an advisory vote, the frequency of future advisory votes on executive compensation (i.e., “say-on-pay frequency”); and 5. to transact other business as may properly come before the meeting or any adjournment of the meeting. Q: How does the board recommend I vote on these matters? The board of directors recommends you vote for the following: 1. FOR the election of Gregory Sullivan and Dan Quayle as Class II directors; 2. FOR the ratification of the appointment of Grant Thornton LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for the year ending December 31, 2019; 3. FOR the approval, by an advisory vote, of Carvana’s executive compensation; and 4. FOR an advisory vote that future advisory votes on executive compensation occur annually. Q: How do I cast my vote? Beneficial Stockholders . If you hold your shares through a broker, trustee, or other nominee, you are a beneficial stockholder. To vote your shares, please refer to the materials forwarded to you by your broker, bank, or other nominee for instructions on how to vote the shares you hold as a beneficial stockholder. Registered Stockholders . If you hold shares in your own name, you are a registered stockholder and may vote by written ballot at the annual meeting or by proxy before the annual meeting in the following ways: 1. online at; 2. by phone by calling (866) 509-2149; or 3. by signing and returning a proxy card. Proxies submitted online or by telephone must be received before 8:00 AM (PDT) on April 23, 2019. Q: Can I access the proxy materials electronically? Yes. Your notice, proxy card, or voting instruction card will contain instructions on how to view our proxy materials for the annual meeting online and how to instruct us to send our future proxy materials to you electronically by email. Our proxy materials are also available at and will be available during the voting period starting on March 14, 2019. Instead of receiving future copies of our proxy statement and annual reports by mail, stockholders of record and most beneficial owners can elect to receive an email that will provide an electronic link to these documents. Your election to receive future proxy materials by email will remain in effect until you revoke it. Please note that only one notice will be sent to stockholders who are listed at the same address.
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