2018 Guide to Effective Proxies

6 TH EDITION | GUIDE TO EFFECTIVE PROXIES 76 CAPITAL ONE FINANCIAL CORPORATION Item 2 Ratification of Appointment of Capital One’s Independent Auditor You are being asked to ratify the Audit Committee’s appointment of Ernst & Young LLP asourindependentauditorfor2018.OneormorerepresentativesofErnst&YoungLLP will be present at our Annual Meeting to respond to questions from stockholders. For additionalinformationregardingtheAuditCommittee’sappointmentofandthefeespaid to Ernst & Young LLP, see “Audit Committee Report” on page 94 and “Ratification of SelectionofIndependentAuditor”onpage96ofthisproxystatement. ✓ Our Board of Directors unanimously recommends that you vote “FOR” the ratificationoftheappointmentofErnst&YoungLLPastheCompany’sindependent auditor. Item 3 Advisory Approval of Capital One’s Named Executive Officer Compensation YouarebeingaskedtoapproveonanadvisorybasisthecompensationofCapitalOne’s named executive officers. For additional information regarding our executive compensation program and our named executive officer compensation, see “CompensationDiscussionandAnalysis”beginningonpage44ofthisproxystatement. ✓ Our Board of Directors unanimously recommends that you vote “FOR” the advisory approval of our 2017 Named Executive Officer compensation as disclosed in this proxystatement. Our executive compensation program is designed to attract, retain and motivate leaders who have the ability to foster strong business results and promote our long-term success. We believe our executive compensation program strongly links rewards with both business and individual performance while appropriately balancing risk and ensuring that total compensation rewards performance over multiple time horizons,whichalignsourexecutives’interestswiththoseofourstockholders. 2017CompanyPerformance In 2017, we advanced our quest to build an enduringly great franchise with the scale, brand, capabilities and infrastructure to succeed as the digital revolution transforms our industry and our society. We made strategic moves to position our businesses for long-term success. We continued to grow and serve customers with ingenuity and humanity. Our digital and technology transformation is accelerating and we delivered solid near-term financial results for stockholders while investing in our future. The table below shows selected Company performance metrics that were considered by the Compensation Committee of theBoardofDirectorsinmakingitsdecisionsthisyear.See“Year-EndIncentiveOpportunity”beginningon page52formoreinformationregardingtheCompany’s2017performance. CAPITALONEFINANCIALCORPORATION 2018PROXYSTATEMENT 3 Total of 07 pages in section Corporate GovernanceHighlights Boardof Directors Tenofourelevendirectornomineesareindependent Boardconsistsofdirectorswithamixoftenures,includinglong-standingmemberswho have actively overseen the Company’s strategic journey through various business cyclesandhaveadeepknowledgeoftheCompany,relativelynewmemberswhobring freshideasandperspectives,andothersatdifferentpointsalongthetenurecontinuum Directors reflect a variety of experiences and skills that match the Company’s complexity and strategic direction and give the Board the collective capability necessarytooverseetheCompany’sactivities All directors attended at least 75% of meetings of the Board and committees on which theyservedduring2017 Board Leadership Structure CEOandfounderistheonlymemberofmanagementwhoservesasadirector Active and empowered Lead Independent Director elected annually by independent directors Activeandempoweredcommitteechairs,allofwhomareindependent Board Governance BestPractices Frequentexecutivesessionsofindependentdirectors AnnualevaluationsoftheBoardandeachofitscommittees Annualassessmentsofindependentdirectors Annual assessment and election by the independent directors of the Lead IndependentDirector RegulardiscussionsregardingBoardrecruiting,successionandrefreshmentincluding desirable director skills and qualifications for the Company’s long-term strategic objectives ActiveengagementinoversightofCompanystrategy ActiveriskoversightbytheBoardandcommittees Oversight of the Company’s political activities and contributions conducted by the GovernanceandNominatingCommittee Direct access by the Board to key members of management at the discretion of independent directors; executive sessions regularly include separate meetings with our CFO, General Counsel, Chief Risk Officer, Chief Auditor, Chief Credit Review OfficerandChiefComplianceOfficer AnnualCEOevaluationprocessledbyourLeadIndependentDirector RegulartalentandsuccessionplanningdiscussionsregardingtheCEOandoherkey executives Regularmeetingswithfederalregulators Stockholder Engagementand Stockholder Rolein Governance Regular outreach and engagement throughout the year with stockholders about CompanystrategyandperformancebyourCEO,CFOandInvestorRelationsteam Outreachandengagementwithgovernancerepresentativesoflargeststockholdersat leasttwotimesperyear FeedbackfrominvestorsregularlysharedwithourBoardanditscommitteestoensure thatourBoardhasinsightoninvestorviews Board and Governance and Nominating Committee receive extensive briefings and benchmarking reports on corporate governance practices and emerging corporate governanceissues Annualelectionsofdirectors Majorityvotingfordirectorswithresignationpolicyinuncontestedelections Stockholders holding at least 25% of outstanding common stock may request a specialmeeting Proxyaccessforstockholdersholding3%ofoutstandingcommonstockfor3yearsto nominatedirectorcandidates No super majority vote provisions for future amendments to Bylaws and Certificate of Incorporationorremovingadirectorfromoffice Nostockholderrightsplan(commonlyreferredtoasa“poisonpill”) 2 CAPITALONEFINANCIALCORPORATION 2018PROXYSTATEMENT Proxy Summary This summary highlights information contained elsewhere in this proxy statement. This summary does not contain all the information you should consider in voting your shares. Please read the complete proxystatement andour annualreport carefully before voting. Meeting Information Date: Thursday, May 3, 2018 Time: 10:00 a.m. localtime Location: 1680CapitalOne Drive, McLean, Virginia,22102 RecordDate: March 6, 2018 How to Vote Your vote is important. You may vote your shares via the Internet, by telephone, by mail or in person at the Annual Meeting. Please refer to the section “How do I vote?” on page 104 for detailed voting instructions. If you vote via the Internet, by telephone or in person at the Annual Meeting, you do not need to mail in a proxy card. INTERNET TELEPHONE OR CELLPHONE MAIL IN PERSON Visitwww.proxyvote.com. Youwillneedthecontrol numberinyournotice,proxy cardorvotinginstructionform. Dialtoll-free(1-800-690-6903) orthetelephonenumberon yourvotinginstructionform. Youwillneedthecontrol numberinyournotice,proxy cardorvotinginstructionform. Ifyoureceivedapapercopy ofyourproxymaterials,send yourcompletedandsigned proxycardorvoting instructionformusingthe enclosedpostage-paid envelope. Byfollowingtheinstructions belowunder“CanIattendthe AnnualMeeting?”on page103andrequestinga ballotwhenyouarrive. On March 20, 2018, we began sending our stockholders a Notice Regarding the Internet Availability of Proxy Materials. Voting Items Item 1 Election of Directors You are being asked to elect the following eleven candidates for director: Richard D. Fairbank, Aparna Chennapragada, Ann Fritz Hackett, Lewis Hay, III, Benjamin P. Jenkins, III, Peter Thomas Killalea, Pierre E. Leroy, Peter E. Raskind, Mayo A. Shattuck III, Bradford H. Warner and Catherine G. West. Each director nominee is standing for election to hold office until our next annual meeting or until his or her successor is duly elected and qualified. For additional information regarding our director nominees, see “Biographies of Director Nominees” beginning on page 16. For a description of our corporate governance practices, see “Corporate Governance at CapitalOne” beginningon page10. ✓ Our Board of Directors unanimously recommends that you vote “FOR” each of these director nominees. CAPITALONEFINANCIALCORPORATION 2018PROXYSTATEMENT 1 CBRE GROUP, INC. PROXYSUMMARYINFORMATION Our Corporate Strategy We operate in an industry that is characterized by enduring trends that support the long-term growth of our business. Theseinclude: • occupiers’ growing acceptance of the outsourcing of real estateservices; • investors’increasingallocationofcapitaltocommercialreal estate,and • the continuing consolidation of occupier and investor activity to the highest-quality, globally diversified service providers. In addition, technological advancements hold significant opportunities for firms that invest prudently in digital capabilities. We have a clear strategy to capitalize on the inherent opportunities within our sector. Our strategy is focused on delivering consistently superior client outcomes that other firmscannotreplicate.Thisstrategyisunderpinnedbysixkey elements: • An intense focus on client outcomes. We deeply study the results we produce for clients and then use the insights we gaintoimprovethoseresults. • Having top talent—both client-facing professionals and businessline/geographicleaders—ineverykeyrole. • Maintainingapremieroperatingplatform—fromresearchto marketing to human resources to, most especially, data/ technology capabilities—that helps our professionals to serveclients. • Leveraging our scale as the world’s largest commercial real estate services provider and using our collaborative culture toconnectourpeopleandcapabilitiesaroundtheworld. • MakingstrategicinvestmentsintargetedM&Aactivity,data and technology, and other initiatives that enhance our capabilities. • Operating efficiently. We prudently manage our expense base to enable re-investment in the business while maintainingstrongmargins. Corporate Governance Highlights BoardIndependence Independentdirectornominees 9outof10 IndependentChairoftheBoard RayWirta* DirectorElections FrequencyofBoardelections Annual Votingstandardforuncontestedelections MajorityRequirement Directortermlimits 12Years (4) LimitonnumberofBoard-nominatedexecutiveofficers Maximum1 Proxyaccessfordirectornominations Yes EvaluatingandImprovingBoardPerformance Boardevaluations Annual Committeeevaluations Annual AligningDirectorandExecutiveInterestswithStockholderInterests Directorstockownershiprequirements Yes Executiveofficerstockownershiprequirements Yes Policyrestrictingtrading,andprohibitinghedgingandshort-sellingof,CBREstock Yes Compensationclawbackpolicyforexecutiveofficers Yes Ongoingstockholderoutreachandengagement Yes * Mr.WirtaisourcurrentBoardChair.OurBoardhasappointedMr.BozetosucceedMr.WirtaastheIndependentChairofourBoard,effectivefollowingthe AnnualMeeting,assumingMr.Bozeisre-electedatsuchmeetingbyourstockholders. (4) Theapplicationofthisterm-limitrestrictiondoesnotgointoeffectuntilDecember17,2020foranyofthecompany’sdirectorswhowereservingontheBoardasof December17,2015.See“CorporateGovernance—TermLimits”onpage17. CBRE - 2018ProxyStatement 3 Total of 06 pages in section PROXYSUMMARYINFORMATION Infiscalyear2017,wedeliveredstrongresults: • Ourrevenuetotaled$14.2billion,up9%from2016. • Ourfeerevenuetotaled$9.4billion,up8%from2016. (2)(3) • On a GAAP basis, net income for 2017 increased 21% to $691.5 million and earnings per diluted share rose 20% to $2.03pershare. • Our adjusted net income was $924.5 million, up 19% from 2016. (3) • Ouradjustedearningspershare(“adjustedEPS”)was$2.71, up18%from2016. (3) • Our adjusted earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (“adjusted EBITDA”) was $1.7 billion, up 10%from2016. (3) • Our revenue mix has shifted in recent years toward more contractual revenue as occupiers and investors increasingly prefer to purchase integrated, account-based services from firms that meet the full spectrum of their needs nationally andglobally. • We generated revenue from a highly-diversified base of clients. In 2017, our client roster included over 90 of the Fortune100 companies. • We executed a highly targeted M&A strategy, closing 11 acquisitions in 2017 that enhanced our capabilities, including companies operating in investment management, project management, retail experience advisory services, occupierbrokeragefocusedonmajortechnologycompanies, aswellastworealestatesoftwareasaservicecompanies. • We added significantly to our talent base, with one of our best years for producer recruiting, and strengthened the leadership team thatisresponsible fordrivingourcontinued growth. • We have been voted the most recognized commercial real estate brand in a Lipsey Company survey for 17 years in a row (including 2018) and we have been rated a World’s Most Ethical Company by the Ethisphere Institute for five consecutiveyears(including2018). • We ended 2017 in a very strong financial position with low leverage,highliquidityandconsiderablecashfl w. The following charts highlight our growth in adjusted EBITDA, adjusted net income and adjusted EPS for 2017 relative to 2016: 10% ADJUSTEDEBITDA $ inmillions $1,561.0 $1,709.5 19% ADJUSTEDNET INCOME $ inmillions $924.5 18% ADJUSTEDEPS $2.30 $778.5 $2.71 2016 2017 2016 2017 2017 2016 (2) Feerevenueisgrossrevenuelessbothclientreimbursedcostslargelyassociatedwithemployeesthatarededicatedtoclientfacilitiesandsubcontractedvendorwork performedforclients. (3) Thesearenon-GAAPfinancialmeasures.Forsupplementalfinancialdataandacorrespondingreconciliationof(i)revenuecomputedinaccordancewithGAAPto feerevenue,(ii)netincomecomputedinaccordancewithGAAPtoadjustedEBITDAand(iii)netincomecomputedinaccordancewithGAAPtoadjustednet incomeandtoadjustedEPS,ineachcaseforthefiscalyearsendedDecember31,2017and2016,seeAnnexAtothisProxyStatement.Wealsoreferto“adjusted EBITDA,”“adjustednetincome”and“adjustedEPS”fromtimetotimeinourpublicreportingas“EBITDA,asadjusted,”“netincomeattributabletoCBREGroup, Inc.,asadjusted”and“dilutedincomepershareattributabletoCBREGroup,Inc.shareholders,asadjusted,”respectively.AsdescribedinourAnnualReporton Form10-KforthefiscalyearendedDecember31,2017,ourBoardandmanagementusenon-GAAPfinancialmeasurestoevaluateourp rformanceandmanage ouroperations.However,non-GAAPfinancialmeasuresshouldbeviewedinadditionto,andnotasanalternativefor,financialresultspreparedinaccordancewith GAAP.Theterm“GAAP,”asusedinthisProxyStatement,meansgenerallyacceptedaccountingprinciplesintheUnitedStates. 2 CBRE - 2018ProxyStatement ADJUSTEDEBITDA$inmillionsADJUSTEDNETINCOME$inmillionsADJUSTEDEPS Proxy Summary Information To assist you in reviewing the proposals to be voted upon at our 2018 Annual Meeting, we have summarized important information contained in this Proxy Statement and our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2017. This summary does not contain all of the information that you should consider, and you should carefully readtheentireProxyStatementandAnnualReportonForm10-Kbeforevoting. Voting StockholdersofrecordasofMarch20,2018maycasttheirvotesinanyofthefollowingways: Internet Phone Mail InPerson Visit www.proxyvote.com. Youwill needthe16-digitnumberincludedin yourproxycard,voterinstruction formornotice. Call1-800-690-6903orthe numberonyourvoterinstruction form.Youwillneedthe16-digit numberincludedinyourproxy card,voterinstructionformor notice. Sendyourcompletedandsigned proxycardorvoterinstruction formtotheaddressonyourproxy cardorvoterinstructionform. Ifyouplantoattendthemeeting, youwillneedtobringapicture IDandproofofownershipof CBREGroup,Inc.stockasofthe recorddate.Ifyourcommon stockisheldinthenameofyour broker,bankorothernominee andyouwanttovoteinperson, thenyouwillneedtoobtaina legalproxyfr mtheinstitution thatholdsyourcommonstock indicatingthatyouwerethe beneficialownerofourcommon stockonMarch20,2018. Voting Matters and Board Recommendation Proposal BoardVoteRecommendation ElectDirectors(page8) ✔ FOReachDirectorNominee RatifytheAppointmentofIndependentRegisteredPublicAccountingFirmfor2018(page27) ✔ FOR AdvisoryVotetoApproveNamedExecutiveOfficerCompensationfor2017(page30) ✔ FOR ApproveanAmendmenttoourCertificateofIncorporationtoReduce(to25%)theStock-Ownership ThresholdRequiredforourStockholderstoRequestaSpecialStockholderMeeting(page70) ✔ FOR IfProperlyPresented,toConsideraStockholderProposalRegardingSpecialStockholderMeetings (page73) ✘ AGAINST Fiscal Year 2017 Business Highlights (1) We are the world’s largest commercial real estate services and investment firm, based on 2017 global revenue of $14.2 billion, with leading global market positions in our leasing, property sales, occupier outsourcing and valuation businesses. • Our service offering is supported by more than 450 offices worldwide with over 80,000 employees, excluding independent affiliates. We serve clients in more than 100 countries. • Ourservicesinclude: – commercial real estate services operating under the “CBRE”brandname; – real estate investment management services operating underthe“CBREGlobalInvestors”brandname;and – development services operating unde the “Trammell CrowCompany”brandname. (1) Formorecompleteinformationregardingourfiscalyear2017performance,pleasereviewourAnnualReportonForm10-KforthefiscalyearendedDecember31, 2017.YoucanobtainafreecopyofourAnnualReportonForm10-KattheSEC’swebsite(www.sec.gov)orbysubmittingawrittenrequestby(i)mailtoCBRE Group, Inc., Attention: Investor Relations, 200 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10166, (ii) telephone at (212) 984-6515 or (iii) e-mail at investorrelations@cbre.com. CBRE - 2018ProxyStatement 1