2018 Guide to Effective Proxies
2.17.8 Pay for performance alignment | 437 6 TH EDITION | GUIDE TO EFFECTIVE PROXIES SPX CORPORATION EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION Our CEO’s Pay-for-Performance Alignment Because 2016 and 2017 were our first two full years, post-Spin-Off, as a materially different company, a three-year TSR does not provide a meaningful comparison to our peer group. The following chart shows our CEO’s compensation relative to our TSR and compared with our peers, demonstrating how our executive compensation program aligns with performance. This chart is based on our two-year TSR; the average of our CEO’s total compensation for 2016 and 2017 by percentile; and the average total compensation for CEOs at our peer companies, from their most recent two proxy statement filings. B IEX NDSN CR GGG FLOW TSR CIR CW CFX RBC RXN BW NPO HSC ATU GTLS AIMC 0 50 100 0 50 100 Relative Performance Rank Relative Pay Rank Pay-for-Performance Alignment 2-Year TSR vs 2-Year Avg. CEO Pay* SPXC * Peer company compensation based on 2015 and 2016 target compensation data from each company’s two most recent proxy statement filings. While our CEO’s relative pay rank falls below the median of our peer companies for 2017, our philosophy is to align executive compensation with that of our peers and provide variable incentive compensation that rewards executives at higher levels when superior performance is achieved. 22 2018 PROXY STATEMENT
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