2018 Guide to Effective Proxies

2.8 Election of directors | 131 6 TH EDITION | GUIDE TO EFFECTIVE PROXIES MANPOWERGROUP 1. Electionof Directors Director Nominee Biographies Gina R. Boswell Age: 55 Director since: 2007 Committees: Audit(Chair), NominatingandGovernance Biographical Information: President, USCustomer Developmentat Unilever,a globalfood, personalcare andhouseholdproducts company, sinceMay 2017. General Manager, U.K. andIreland, at Unileverfrom September 2015to May 2017. Executive VicePresident, PersonalCare, at Unileverfrom 2011to September 2015. President, GlobalBrands, of Alberto- CulverCompany, a consumer goodscompany, from 2008to July2011. Prior thereto, Ms. Boswellheldseveral leadershippositions,includingSeniorVicePresidentandChiefOperating Officer-North America of Avon Products, Inc. from 2005to 2007andas an executivewithFord Motor Companyfrom 1999to 2003. A director of WolverineWorld Wide, Inc. since2013. Qualifications: Ms. Boswellhas significantmanagerial,strategic, operational,globalandfinancialmanagement expertise as a result of the variousseniorpositionsshe has heldat severalcompanieswithglobaloperations. Cari M. Dominguez Age: 68 Director since: 2007 Committees: ExecutiveCompensationandHumanResources Biographical Information: President, Dominguez& Associates,a management consultingfirm, sinceJanuary 2007. Prior thereto, Ms. Dominguezheldseveralleadershippositionswithinthe UnitedStates government as wellas inthe publicand private sectors, includingChairof the U.S. EqualEmployment Opportunity Commission(“EEOC”) from 2001to 2006, Partner, Heidrick& Struggles, a consultingfirm, from 1995to 1998, Director, SpencerStuart, a consulting firm, from 1993to 1995, Assistant Secretary for Employment StandardsAdministration,andDirector of the Office of FederalContract CompliancePrograms, U.S. Department of Labor, from 1989to 1993. A trustee of TheCalvert Fundssince2008, director of Triple-SManagement Corporationsince2012anda director withthe National Associationof Corporate Directors since2013. Qualifications: Ms. Dominguezhas expertise ingovernment relationsandlabormarkets from her positionas Chairof the EEOC andother variousgovernmentalpositionsshe held.Ms. Dominguezalsohas managerial,internationaland operationalexperienceinthe human resources industry as a result of the variousseniorpositionsshe heldat varioushuman resource consultinggroups. 5 | ManpowerGroup Total of 06 pages in section MARATHON PETROLEUM CORPORATION PROPOSALOFTHEBOARD / P R OPOSA LN O.1 - E L ECT I O N OFC L ASS I D IR ECTO R S Our Board of Directors recommends you vote for the Nominees for Class I Director in Proposal No. 1. N ominees f or Class I Dire c tors – Current Terms E x piring in 2018 : Donna A. J ames MPCDire c torsin c e : 2011 Age 60 • ManagingDirector,Lardon& Associates,LLC Ms. J amesismanagingdire c toro f L ardon & Asso c iates, LL C,a b usinessande x e c uti v ead v isory ser v i c es f irm.Sheisamem b ero f the b oardso f dire c torso fB oston S c ienti f i c Corp., LB rands, I n c .and F I S G roup, I n c .Additionally, Ms. J amesisthe f ounderanda f ormer c hairo f TheCenter f or H ealthy FamiliesinColum b us,Ohio,andisa f ormer c hairo f the N ationalWomen ’ s B usinessCoun c il. B e f orestarting L ardon & Asso c iatesin200 6 , Ms. J amesser v edinleadership positions w ith N ation w ide I nsuran c e andFinan c ialSer v i c es,in c ludingas presidento fN ation w ideStrategi c I n v estments.Priortothat,she w as e x e c uti v e v i c epresidentand c hie f administrati v eo ff i c erandheldother e x e c uti v epositionsat N ation w ide, in c ludingthato f e x e c uti v e v i c e presidentand c hie f humanresour c es o ff i c er. H erresponsi b ilitiesin c luded leadingse v eral U .S.and internationally b asedsu b sidiary c ompanies,a v enture c apital f und andne wb usinessde v elopment teams w ithresponsi b ility f oremerging opportunitiesin f inan c ialser v i c es. Ms. J amesgraduated f rom N orth CarolinaAgri c ulturalandTe c hni c al State U ni v ersity w itha B a c heloro f S c ien c edegreeina cc ounting.Sheis anon - pra c ti c ingCPA. Asaformerseniorexecutivein theinsuranceindustry, Ms.Jameshasexpertisein finance,accounting,public companyfinancialreporting requirementsandbusiness development.Shealsodraws uponherbroadexecutive experienceinprovidinginsight onmattersofcorporate managementandtalent acquisition.Asacurrentand formermemberofotherpublic companyboardsofdirectors, andasoneofournamed“audit committeefinancialexperts,” Ms.Jamesbringstoherservice onourBoardavaluable perspectiveonmanyofthe topicsimpactingourbusiness, includingfinancialreporting,risk management,businessstrategy andhumanresources. OtherCurrentPublicCompany Directorships: • B ostonS c ienti f i c Corp. • LB rands, I n c . RecentPastDirectorships: • Co c a - ColaEnterprises, I n c . • TimeWarnerCa b le I n c . J ames E. R ohr MPCDire c torsin c e : 2013 Age 69 • RetiredChairmanandCEO, ThePNCFinancialServices Group,Inc. Mr. R ohrser v esonthe b oardso f dire c torso f AlleghenyTe c hnologies I n c orporated,E Q TCorporation, G eneralEle c tri c CompanyandEC H O R ealty, L P.Additionally,heisonthe b oardo f dire c torso f The H ein z Endo w ments,is c hairmano f the b oardo f trusteeso f CarnegieMellon U ni v ersityandamem b ero f the b oardso f trusteeso f the U ni v ersityo f N otreDameandtheDietri c h Foundation,andisapast c hairmano f thePitts b urghCulturalTrust. H eis alsoa b oardmem b eremerituso f the Sal v ationArmyandamem b ero f the AlleghenyFoundation.Mr. R ohr j oinedTheP N CFinan c ialSer v i c es G roup, I n c .,a f inan c ialser v i c es c ompany,in19 7 2.A f terser v ingin v arious c apa c itieso f in c reasing responsi b ilityandinse v eral leadershiproles,he w asnamed c hie f e x e c uti v eo ff i c erin2000.Mr. R ohr o v ersa w P N C ’ se x pansionintone w mar k etsandledP N Ctore c ord gro w th.A f termorethan40yearso f ser v i c e w iththe c ompany,heretired as c hie f e x e c uti v eo ff i c erinApril2013 andase x e c uti v e c hairmano f the b oardinApril2014.Mr. R ohrearned a B a c heloro f Artsdegree f romthe U ni v ersityo fN otreDamein19 7 0and amaster ’ sdegreein b usiness administration f romTheOhioState U ni v ersityin19 7 2. Astheformerchairmanandchief executiveofficerofalarge diversifiedfinancialservices company,Mr.Rohrhasproven leadershipabilitiesinmanaginga complexbusiness.His understandingoffinancial marketsandhisstrategicvision areofparticularvaluetothe Company.Mr.Rohrserveson otherpubliccompanyboardsof directorsacrossadiverserange ofbusinessandindustrysectors. Heisuniquelypositionedtooffer guidanceontherisk managementoversightfunction oftheBoard,aswellasinareas suchascapitalallocation,the evaluationofthecapitalstructure oftheCompanyandshareholder relations.Mr.Rohrbrings considerablefinancialacumen andleadershipabilitytohis serviceonourBoardandasthe ChairofourCompensation CommitteeandourLead Director-elect. OtherCurrentPublicCompany Directorships: • AlleghenyTe c hnologies I n c orporated • E Q TCorporation • G eneralEle c tri c Company * RecentPastDirectorships: • B la ckR o ck , I n c . • TheP N CFinan c ialSer v i c es G roup, I n c . * Mr. R ohris c urrentlyser v inghis lasttermonthis b oardand w ill notstand f orreele c tionin2018. MarathonPetroleumCorporationPro x yStatement / page25 Total of 08 pages in section MASTERCARD, INC. CorporateGovernance |2018MastercardProxy 14 Public Company Board Experience Global Perspective Regulatory& Governmental CEO Experience Payments Digital& Innovation Information Security Financial Consumer Audit Committee Financial Expert Richard Haythornthwaite Non-ExecutiveChairman,CentricaPLC,amultinationalutilitycompany (sinceJanuary2014) Mr.HaythornthwaitehasservedasCEO,Chairmanandseniorexecutiveatseveralnon- U.S.multinationalcompanies,bringingtotheBoardglobalperspective. Asacurrent andformerchairmanofgovernmentbodiesandcompaniesinhighlyregulated industries,hecontributesriskmanagementexperienceandvaluableinsighton engagingandpartneringwithregulators. Mr.Haythornthwaite’spastserviceonpublic companyauditcommitteesandexperiencewithfinancialoperationalrescuechallenges providevaluablefinancialunderstanding. CurrentPublicCompanyBoards Non-ExecutiveChairman,CentricaPLC (nominationscommitteechairman) AdditionalPositions ChairmanofeachofTheCreative IndustriesFederation;QiOTechnologies; ArcInternationalHoldingsandits parentcompanyGlassHoldingsSA SeniorAdvisor,Moelis&Company PreviousExperience Partner,StarCapitalPartnersLimited (2006-2008) CEO,Invensysplc(2001-2005) ChiefExecutive–EuropeandAsiaand GroupChiefExecutive,BlueCircle Industriesplc(1997-2001) PriorpositionsincludeDirectorof PremierOilplc;PresidentofBP Venezuela;andGeneralManagerof MagnusOilfield,BPExploration PastPublicCompanyBoards Non-ExecutiveChairman,NetworkRail; BlueCircleIndustriesplc;Cookson Groupplc;ImperialChemicalIndustries plc;Invensysplc;PremierOilplc;and LandSecuritiesGroupplc Ajay Banga PresidentandChiefExecutiveOfficer (sinceJuly2010) Mr.Banga,ourPresidentandCEO,contributestotheBoardextensiveglobalpayments experience(includingwithpaymentstechnologyandretailbanking),aswellasadeep focusoninnovationandinformationsecurity. AsourCEOandasamemberofbusiness advocacyorganizationsandgovernment-sponsoredcommittees,Mr.Bangaprovides valuableperspectiveonengagingandpartneringwithregulators. Hisbrandmarketing experience(includingatseveralglobalfoodandbeveragecompanies)addsstrong consumerinsight. AdditionalPositions Member,President’sAdvisory CommitteeforTradePolicyand Negotiations(U.S.) Formermember,President’s CommissiononEnhancingNational Cybersecurity(U.S.) Co-founder,CyberReadinessInstitute Memberandformerchairman,U.S.- IndiaBusinessCouncil DirectoroftheAmericanRedCross Fellow,ForeignPolicyAssociation ViceChairman,TheBusinessCouncil Member,materialsadvisorycommitteeof theBoardofDirectors,DowDuPont,Inc . FoundingTrustee,U.S.-IndiaStrategic PartnershipForum Co-Chair,PartnershipforNewYorkCity PreviousExperience PresidentandCOO,Mastercard (2009-2010) ExecutivepositionsatCitigroup (1996-2009),includingCEO,AsiaPacific region;ChairmanandCEO, InternationalGlobalConsumerGroup; ExecutiveVicePresident,Global ConsumerGroup;President,Retail Banking,NorthAmerica;andbusiness headforCitiFinancialandtheU.S. ConsumerAssetsDivision PastPublicCompanyBoards TheDowChemicalCompany KraftFoodsInc. Chairmanand Directorsince May2006 BoardCommittees: Audit Nominatingand CorporateGovernance Ageat Annual Meeting 61 Directorsince April2010 Ageat Annual Meeting 58 Total of 07 pages in section MCKESSON CORPORATION PROPOSALS TO BE VOTED ON ITEM 1. Election of Directors There are eight nominees for election to the Board of Directors of the Company. The directors elected at the Annual Meeting will hold office until the 2019 Annual Meeting of Stockholders and until their successors have been elected and qualified, or untiltheirearlierresignation,removalordeath. All nominees are current directors. N. Anthony Coles, M.D., John H. Hammergren, M. Christine Jacobs, Donald R. Knauss, Marie L. Knowles, Edward A. Mueller and Susan R. Salka were elected to the Board at the 2017 Annual Meeting of Stockholders.BradleyE.LermanwaselectedtotheBoardeffectiveApril24,2018. ForpurposesoftheupcomingAnnualMeeting,theGovernanceCommitteehasrecommendedthereelectionofeachnominee as a director. Each nominee has informed the Board that he or she is willing to serve as a director. If any nominee should declineorbecomeunableorunavailabletoserveasadirectorforanyreason,yourproxyauthorizesthepersonsnamedinthe proxytovoteforareplacementnominee,ortheBoardmayreduceitssize. The following is a brief description of the age, principal occupation, position and business experience, including other public company directorships, for at least the past five years and major affiliations of each of the nominees. Each director’s biographical information includes a description of the director’s experience, qualifications, attributes or skills that qualify the directortoserveontheCompany’sBoardatthistime. Nominees Your Board recommends a vote “FOR” each Nominee. IndependentDirector CurrentCommittees: • FinanceCommittee, Chair • Compensation Committee N. Anthony Coles, M.D. ChairmanandChiefExecutiveOfficer,YumanityTherapeutics,LLC Biography: Dr. Coles, age 58, has served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Yumanity Therapeutics, LLC, a company focused on transforming drug discovery for neurodegenerative diseases, since October 2014. From October 2013 to October 2014, Dr.ColesservedasChairmanandCEOofTRATEEnterprisesLLC,aprivatelyheldcompany. Dr. Coles served as President, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Onyx Pharmaceuticals,Inc.,abiopharmaceuticalcompany,from2012until2013,havingservedas its President, Chief Executive Officer and a member of its board of directors from 2008 until 2012.Prior tojoining OnyxPharmaceuticals,Inc.in2008,hewasPresident,ChiefExecutive Officer and a member of the board of directors of NPS Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a public biopharmaceutical company. Before joining NPS Pharmaceuticals, Inc. in 2005, he served in variousleadershippositionsinthebiopharmaceuticalandpharmaceuticalindustries,including at Merck & Co., Inc., Bristol-Myers Squibb Company and Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated. Dr. Coles currently serves as a director of Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. In addition to having previously served as a director of Onyx Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and NPS Pharmaceuticals, Inc., he was formerly a director of Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings,CampusCrestCommunities,Inc.andCRISPRTherapeutics.Dr.Coleshasbeena directoroftheCompanysinceApril2014. Skills & Qualifications: In light of his former and current chairman and chief executive positions, Dr. Coles brings to the Board executive and board leadership experience, as well as business management and strategic planning experience, in the healthcare industry. He also brings an innovative mindset. We believe Dr. Coles’ diverse perspective as a physician serves the Board well as it provides oversight with respect to various aspects of the Company’s businesses. NewCommitteeAssignments,EffectiveJuly2018: • CompensationCommittee,Chair • FinanceCommittee 8 -2018ProxyStatement Total of 05 pages in section