2018 Guide to Effective Proxies
6 TH EDITION | GUIDE TO EFFECTIVE PROXIES 114 ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES, INC. H 2018NOTICEOFMEETINGANDPROXYSTATEMENT ADVANCEDMICRODEVICES,INC. PROXYSTATEMENT 2018ANNUALMEETINGOFSTOCKHOLDERS QUESTIONSANDANSWERS In this proxy statement, the words “AMD,” the “Company,” “we,” “ours,” “us” and similar terms refer to AdvancedMicroDevices,Inc.anditsconsolidatedsubsidiaries,unlessthecontextindicatesotherwise. 1. Q: WHYDIDIRECEIVEANOTICEINTHEMAILREGARDINGTHEINTERNETAVAILABILITYOFPROXYMATERIALS INSTEADOFAFULLSETOFPROXYMATERIALS? A: InaccordancewithrulesadoptedbytheSEC,commonlyreferredtoas“NoticeandAccess,”wemayfurnish proxy materials by providing access to the documents on the Internet, instead of mailing printed copies. Moststockholderswill notreceive printedcopiesoftheproxymaterialsunlesstheyrequestthem.Instead, theNoticewasmailedonoraboutMarch19,2018tostockholdersofrecordonMarch5,2018(the“Record Date”)whohavenotpreviouslyrequestedtoreceiveprintedoremailedmaterialsonanongoingbasis.The Notice instructs youastohowyoumay access ourproxy materials ontheInternet andhowtovoteonthe Internet. Youmayrequesttoreceiveproxymaterialsinprintedformbymailorelectronicallybyemailonanongoing basis by following the instructions in the Notice. Choosing to receive your future proxy materials by email willsaveusthecostofprintingandmailingdocumentstoyouandwillreducetheenvironmentalimpactof ourannualmeetings.Ifyouchoosetoreceivefutureproxymaterialsbyemail,youwillreceiveanemailnext yearwithinstructionscontainingalinktothosematerialsandalinktotheproxyvotingsite.Yourelectionto receiveproxymaterialsbyemailwillremainineffectuntilyouterminateit. 2. Q: WHYAMIRECEIVINGPROXYMATERIALS? A: Our board of directors (the “Board”) is providing these materials to you in connection with the Board’s solicitation of proxies for use at our Annual Meeting, which will take place on Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time at AMD, 2485 Augustine Drive, Santa Clara, California 95054 and virtually at AMD.onlineshareholdermeeting.com. Our stockholders as of the close of business on the Record Date are invited to attend orparticipate inourAnnual Meeting andare requested tovoteontheitems described in this proxy statement. This proxy statement includes information that we are required to provide to you underSECrulesandisdesignedtoassistyouinvotingyourshares. 3. Q: WHATISINCLUDEDINTHEPROXYMATERIALS? A: TheproxymaterialsforourAnnualMeetingincludetheNotice,thisproxystatementandourAnnualReport onForm10-KforthefiscalyearendedDecember 30,2017(our“AnnualReport”).Ifyoureceived aprinted copyofthesematerials,theproxymaterialsalsoincludeaproxycardorvotinginstructionform. 4. Q: HOWCANIACCESSTHEPROXYMATERIALSOVERTHEINTERNET? A: The Notice, proxy card and voting instruction form contain instructions on how you may access our proxy materials on the Internet and how to vote on the Internet. Our proxy materials are also available at www.proxyvote.comandtheInvestorRelationspagesofourwebsiteatwww.amd.comorir.amd.com. 5. Q: WHOISSOLICITINGMYVOTE? A: This proxy solicitation is being made by the Board of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. We have retained MacKenzie Partners, Inc., professional proxy solicitors, to assist us with this proxy solicitation. We will pay the entire cost of this solicitation, including MacKenzie’s fees and expenses, which we expect to be approximately$30,000. 6. Q: WHOISENTITLEDTOVOTE? A: Stockholders as of the close of business on the Record Date are entitled to vote on all items properly presented at our Annual Meeting. On the Record Date, 969,131,738 shares of our common stock were outstanding. Every stockholder is entitled to one vote for each share of common stock held on the Record Date. A list of these stockholders will be available during regular business hours at our headquarters, located at 2485 Augustine Drive, Santa Clara, California 95054, from our Corporate Secretary at least ten days before our Annual Meeting. The list of stockholders will also be available at the time and place ofour AnnualMeeting. ADVANCEDMICRODEVICES,INC. | 2018ProxyStatement 1 Total of 05 pages in section AK STEEL HOLDING CORPORATION HEADER AK STEEL HOLDING CORPORATION 9227Centre Pointe Drive West Chester, Ohio 45069 PROXY STATEMENT We are furnishing this Proxy Statement in connection with the solicitation by the Board of Directors of AK Steel Holding Corporation (the “Company,” “AK Steel,” “us,” “we,” or “our”) of proxies to be voted at the 2018 Annual Meeting of Stockholders (“Annual Meeting”) to be held on May 24, 2018, at 1:30 p.m. Eastern Time via live webcast at www.virtualshareholdermeeting.com/AKS2018, and at any andallpostponements or adjournmentsthereof. On or about April 9, 2018, we mailed to stockholders of record a notice containing instructions on how to access our 2018 Proxy Statement and 2017 Annual Report to Stockholders on the Internet and on how to vote online. That notice also contains instructions on how you can receive a paper copy of the Proxy Statement and Annual Report to Stockholders via the United States mail or an electronic copy viae-mail if you prefer either of those alternatives. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT THE PROXY AND ANNUAL MEETING 1. Why is the AnnualMeeting being webcast? The Annual Meeting is being held on a virtual-only basis in order to enable participation by the broadest number of stockholders possible and to save costs compared to a physical meeting, particularly in view of the very low in-person attendance at Annual Meetings in recent years prior to our decision to hold virtual-only meetings (typically no more than ten individuals not associated with Management or the Board). In addition, a virtual meeting saves time and travel expense for our stockholders compared to a physical meeting. We are one of many prominent Delaware publicly- traded companies that have held virtual-only meetings and, as such, we are confident in the technology and believe that it enables stockholders to participate in the Annual Meeting more easily. In May 2017, we held the 2017 Annual Meeting of Stockholders as a virtual-only meeting and found it to be efficient andconvenientfor our stockholders. 2. What is a “proxy?” A proxy is a person or entity authorized to act for another person. In this instance, the Board of Directors has appointed a Proxy Committee to vote the shares represented by proxy forms submitted by stockholders to us prior to the Annual Meeting. Giving the Proxy Committee your proxy means that you authorize the Proxy Committee to vote your shares on your behalf at the Annual Meeting as you specifically instruct on your proxy card for each proposal, or if a matter that is not raised on the proxy card comes up for a vote at the Annual Meeting, in accordance with the Proxy Committee’s best judgment. 3. Whom am I appointing as my proxy? The Proxy Committee consists of Roger K. Newport, our Chief Executive Officer; Kirk W. Reich, our President and Chief Operating Officer; and Joseph C. Alter, our Vice President, General Counsel andCorporate Secretary. 4. What is a ProxyStatement? The document you are reading is a Proxy Statement. It is intended to provide our stockholders with information necessary to vote in an informed manner on matters to be presented at the Annual Meeting. It is sent inconjunctionwitha solicitationof your proxy. 1 2018Proxy Statement Total of 05 pages in section 2.7 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) or Information About the Meeting Companies describe in detail the timing of the meeting, items of business to be voted upon, proposal-approval standards, who is eligible to vote, means of voting and other details. They often present this in “FAQ” or “Q&A” format. This procedural information is well-known to institutional investors. For this reason, many companies that are adding more business substance at the front of the document are moving this procedural information from the front to the back of the document. If it remains at the front, it does no harm as many investors will simply skip over it.
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